Merry Christmas!!! December, 2008
*If you don't want to read the long version, scroll down to the highlights!!!*
As I was addressing our Christmas pictures to y'all, I said a little prayer for each and everyone of you as you were brought to mind. We miss so many of you! And then as I looked at my Christmas photo album of all the pictures sent throughout the years, I am amazed that many of you are at the same address, unlike we, Stephens, who move almost every 2 years!
But that is one "tradition" that we broke this year! WE DIDN'T MOVE!!! We are in the same house as last year and the same city, well into our 3rd year! A first EVER for Darrin & I in our 14th year of marriage!
Darrin continues to work for Texas A&M in the TEEX extension. I am still teaching grammar and writing classes to homeschool children grades 3-high school once a week. I attempted to sub at the beginning of the year, but with what they paid me, taxes, and then paying a sitter, I made $24... and the babysitter made $30... so I'm not subbing anymore! ;)
As I have posted on the blog about most of our mentioned highlights below, if you want to know more of the "whole stories" just click on it!
We brought in 2008 at our church,
Living Hope, worshipping and praying in the New Year! It was a fabulous way to begin!!! And in February, Darrin treated me to a mini-vacation out to DC to see Kory and Shelley for my birthday! It was the first time I had been away from the kids for more than overnight in over 3 years! They spoiled me and I enjoyed myself, and the "boys" back home survived alright! ;)
Spring Break, we went to Galveston. The boys loved the beach and we had a great time! It was chilly, but it was a nice change from College Station. I would like to go now to see how it is down there, things are still not back to normal after Ike.
April brought
Easter and Kye's Birthday. Granma, Pappy, Aunt Shelly, Dean and Stephen came down to help celebrate Kye's
Kye finished 1/2 day Kindergarten and Dakota 5th grade and we began swimming in May and continued to do so almost everyday all summer long! Papa came down for a visit to help celebrate Kru's
#3 and went swimming too! Vacation Bible School consumed a week of our life in June and we were all talking like pirates, "ARRRR!"
We celebrated July 4 out at George Bush Library again with friends! Dakota went to
summer camp for the first time and I tagged along too.
KidShine at church kicked off August and
school began again! Dakota 6th grade, last year in intermediate school, Cypress Grove, and Kye beginning all day Kindergarten at Forest Ridge.
September was 1 year in our house! And
soccer began again for Dakota! Our church was a
shelter for Hurricane Ike evacuees and I spent many hours up at the church for a week. God showed me many amazing things that week about who He is and what He can do and how He can work through His people! Amazing!
Dakota turned
12 in October and we celebrated
Halloween with friends from church!
November wrapped up soccer and we won the championship! Darrin was gone to several conferences/classes and also participated in a Comic Convention where
his first ever comic book was sold!
Kaeru-boy BIG happenings around here!!!! And for Thanksgiving we went to
Iowa with a side trip to Arkansas to borrow Pappy's truck and Lincoln to visit friends!
And now we are home getting ready for Christmas. We will be decorating the tree tonight! 2008 is wrapping to a close and I wonder what 2009 holds for us. My prayer is that it will be a year that brings us closer to each other and closer to the Lord. He has been teaching me more and more about how BIG He is lately and that nothing is impossible for Him! And that we need to Love, love, love and love!
We hope you have a blessed 2009 and look forward hearing from all of you!!!
Darrin, Kari, Dakota, Kye and Kru
Dakota's Highlights:
Sports - Spring and Fall Soccer - won the championship in Nov'!
Winter Basketball with Upwards - went undefeated
School - Favorite Class - Science
Drama Club & Runner's Club
Events - Turned 12 in October
Officially a pre-teen
In 6th grade (advanced classes)
Activities - Reading, playing video games, fantasy football
Kye's Highlights:
School - Favorite Center - Animal Sorting
Favorite CAMPP - Computer
Events - Turned 6 in April
Attends all-day Kindergarten
Activities - playing with animals
Kru's Highlights:
Events - Turned 3 in June
Potty trained :)
Sleeping in big boy bed!
Stitches in forehead
Activities - Going to Bible Study with Mom
Playing with friends
Jumping off of the diving board by himself