My life with the 3stephensboys is exciting, trying, fulfilling, entertaining, amazing, tiring, inspiring... what God made me for & what I love. Therefore, you may not see many pictures of Darrin or me, but you will get an eye full of my 3stephensboys in all of their glory, amazement and cuteness! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dakota!!!!

12 years ago today on a snowy Saturday morning,
I gave birth to my first son!
Little did I know then how much my life would
be impacted by this little 7 pound little boy!

You were our only one for 6 whole years!

As time has gone by, you have grown physically,
emotionally and spiritually!!  and I have
loved seeing you develop into a young man!

It thrills my soul to hear you sing praises to God,
to see you reading the Word every morning, to 
watch you apply what you are learning from the 
Lord to your daily life.  I know that you know Jesus
and that is the most important thing you can know!

The compassion, concern, love, and tenderness
you have for others warms me and makes me proud!

You are a great big brother and a great kid, oops, 
I mean tween!! :) (oops, I mean, my PRE-TEEN!!!!)

In the upcoming year, I pray that the Lord would
continue to mature you in Him and that you will be a 
light used by Him and for Him!  I look forward to 
the fun and new challenges that will come our way!

I love you Dakota and am proud of who you are!
Happy Birthday!!!


Hendrick Family said...

Happy Birthday Dakota!

We love you!

The Hendricks

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Happy Birthday Dakota

I hope you had a great day.

Ms. Kathryn, Michael and Alex