Yesterday, was Dakota's soccer tournament.
We had 2 games and possibly a 3rd if we went to the championship game.
Yesterday, was also the coldest of the year so far!
Yes, I am from Nebraska and no, it wasn't Nebraska cold, BUT it was Texas cold!
Yes, I have turned into a cold wimp and my blood has thinned in the 3 years living here, but it was a nippy 30 something degrees with the chilly wind blowing!
We headed out to the fields around 8:30 and after warming up, they boys won their first game!
Dakota scored twice! 5-0
Mary, Kye and Becky

And then we came back at 1:00 for our second game and it was a good one!
Dakota had a fan section at the 1st game!
Thanks Jordan, Mary, Crystal, Nichole and Becky for coming out
to support Dakota! and helping me with Kye and Kru!
And then we came back at 1:00 for our second game and it was a good one!
Nice lookin' corner kick!
It was still cold, but the boys played well and and won that game too 6-1. Dakota scored 3 times! 2 shots were so pretty, but I was busy cheering that I didn't get a picture, but the boys were working so well as a team, passing and setting each other up! It was great!
We were going to the championship game! :) at 6:30, a night game!
I was worried that it would be really cold, but the wind stopped and it was chilly, but actually warmer than the earlier games! The boys played well again and we won!!! For the past 3 seasons, our team, Thunder, has been runner-up! But this year, we are finally the champions!!!!
The boys were way excited!!! Dakota made 2 assists and the score was 3-1.
We just won the championship game!!!
Dakota and best friend, Roberto!
We got our medals!!!!
The Score Board!!!
Way to go Blue Thunder!!!!
Way to go, Dakota! We're so proud of you!!
The Hendricks
Way to go Dakota!!!
That is exciting.
so did roberto not go back to puerto rico? yay soccer!
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