Do you ever get sad at the end of a school year? (even though I am so ready for summer!!!)
Does it ever bother you when something that you have been
doing for an entire year has it's closing ceremony?
Do you tear up at the end of a challenging and fabulous Bible study?
When special people in your life move away, do you get sad?
Well, don't know about you, but I answer "YES" to all of the above!
I'm very melancholy today.... I have thought about it, prayed about it, pondered on it...
Does it ever bother you when something that you have been
doing for an entire year has it's closing ceremony?
Do you tear up at the end of a challenging and fabulous Bible study?
When special people in your life move away, do you get sad?
Well, don't know about you, but I answer "YES" to all of the above!
I'm very melancholy today.... I have thought about it, prayed about it, pondered on it...
and have decided that it's because "things" are winding down.
* This is Kye's last week of Kindergarten at Covenant Day School.
* This is Kye's last week of Kindergarten at Covenant Day School.
He has been there for 2 years now and I love the teacher's there, their compassion for the kids and the small class sizes. I'm sad because he is growing up. I'm sad because next year in full day Kindergarten, it won't be as sweet as this year has been. I'm sad because we won't be so familiar with his friends and their parents and siblings. Kye's class is so special. And they are really close. I'm already crying about it!

* Dakota has 9 days of school left. Today is his last Monday in 5th grade.
This makes me sad because he is getting older and older!
* Dakota played his last soccer game on Saturday and scored on a *FREE* kick again!
(I got it right this time Whitney!)
This is sad because many of the 6th graders on the team
won't be back next season and they are working so well together!
This makes me sad because he is getting older and older!
* Dakota played his last soccer game on Saturday and scored on a *FREE* kick again!
(I got it right this time Whitney!)
This is sad because many of the 6th graders on the team
won't be back next season and they are working so well together!
* Too many of "my people" have left! :(
I miss them!!!
A few are coming back, but many were Seniors
who won't be back! :(
I miss them!!!
A few are coming back, but many were Seniors
who won't be back! :(
* Last night was the Awana Awards Ceremony. Kye got his certificate for participation and Dakota his award for finishing his 1st book. That means that Dakota learned at least 75 passages in Scripture this year and Kye learned close to 20. I love Awana and I love all the people who pour into my children's lives during Awana. One reason this makes me sad is that next year, my baby, Kru, will be a Cubbie. I'm already sad about that for next fall!

Yes, I'm ready to spend every afternoon by the pool, and sleeping in, not having a schedule, and yes I'm ready for KidShine and VBS, and I'm ready to make new friends this summer.
I'm sad when things wind down. I'll get over it, but today, I'm a little sad about it!
I'm sad when things wind down. I'll get over it, but today, I'm a little sad about it!
It is so sad...it is sad when these sweet girls leave me =(
It is even sad to go from crazy every night of the week to totally relaxed.
But God has so much more in store for us in the fall!!
Kru will be such a cute cubbie.
i missed another Dakota FREE KICK score?!?! i missed AWANA awards?!?! i missed ANOTHER thursday with Kru?!
By the way, that picture of me and the boys makes me want to BAWL. i miss you. i'll be home sunday to see you get your baptism on!
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