Do you know what this is???
A Booger!!!
Today I went in to put something away in Kye and Kru's room
and this is what I found on the closet door!!!
A Booger!!!
Seriously, it had been wiped ON THE CLOSET DOOR!!!
Who knows how long it had been there, it was crusty!
I seriously doubt that those of you with little girls at
your house find nasty little "presents" left for you
all around the house!
Or do you?
Boys will be boys I guess!!!
Have a booger free day!!!
What is a booger free day...if there is a pause in the boogers, then it is noises and things coming out of other parts of their bodies...then much laughter!!
Hey Keri. I don't know if you remember me. My family and I were part of the Greene's Hope Group. We left College Station the end of July. My husband, Andy, and I have three kids...Emily, Isaac, and Abbigail.
Anyway, totally with you on the bogger thing. My question is this, my son is eight. Do they EVER learn to hit only the water in the toilet?????
On another note, you sent a wonderful book with me on my latest move. It was WONDERFUL. I had a very bad time with this move. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so glad I found your blog. I couldn't read your email that you wrote down for me inside the cover of the book. I tried to get Mindi to get it for me. I just wanted to let you know that I still am picking up the book and rereading certain things.
Thank you again,
Dani Thaxton
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