Darrin and I had a great time at the wedding last weekend that he was a groomsman in. I WISH we had taken at least 1 picture of us as a couple, but we did not! :( And if I don't say so myself, we were a stunning couple! We haven't dressed up like that since the Heartball of 2005! But oh well!
The boys had a blast that weekend with "my" college girls! All 6 of them were worn out and I know the girls are still recovering as well! I hope I didn't ruin my chances of babysitting again!?! (just kidding, I know I didn't!)
I wanted to add a few more pictures of their weekend and I wish I could figure out how to get my video from my camera up on here!!! All I can get is sound, no picture!
There are only 17 days until school starts for Dakota and Kye! We are going to squeeze in a few weekend trips away before that, but I feel as though our summer is gone! Wow! It flew by!!!
I'll write again soon, but enjoy these photos!
My Own Band!!! Praisin' Jesus, of course!!!

Anson, Michael and Alex rounded out the troop of boys for
yummy smores on Friday night!

If I haven't said it yet..... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Nichole, Christina and Mary!! You are forever sealed into my boys' hearts and mine as well!!! I love you all VERY MUCH!!!!
we know...we're pretty much amazing.
No pride there, huh Mary!!! Not sure if I want my comment to be that close to hers...just kidding.
They were great babysitters and we had great fun. Did you know that if you make smores in August the chocolate melts before you even put it on the graham cracker!!!
Yep, knew that about the smores thing as we did that at pre-teen camp! It's crazy!!! Only in Texas!! Right!?! :)
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