I didn't until Kye's field trip today.
He is holding one.
It's what the cotton comes from. That boll finally pops open and then you see white. I learned quite a lot about cotton today! Did you know that Texas produces more cotton than any other state and that that equals the square footage of the entire state of New Hampshire! I know! Amazing! And did you know that 80% of U.S. cotton is exported!
You see, I'm not from the south and have only seen cotton fields on the way to Louisiana during college. So the cotton fields here are still new to me and the whole process is fascinating.

I remember the first time I saw a cotton field back in 1993. I can't remember if I made Darrin stop the truck, but I know I made him slow down. I had never seen cotton in it's natural state. So today was probably more interesting for me than Kye, but he did have his own fun as well.
And I just have to say that it is October and still 95 degrees. It is so bizarre to me that you can just be standing outside and have sweat dripping off of you. I will never get used to that! We had an exciting and hot time today! I have been quite jealous of Darrin enjoying the coolness up in Chicago this week. He has been wearing sweatshirts and pants!
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