I should be in bed getting ready to teach my class tomorrow, but I just had the most bizarre thing happen with my child, Kye. It is 10:30 pm on a Monday night and I was finishing preparing for my class when I heard this noise like water from the fridge. The noise continued and led me to Dakota and Kye's room, where I see Kye looking just like this statue!

SERIOUSLY!!! Well, minus the cliff and greenery, AND.....
This has never happened before and I'm shocked, but at the same time I am not. You must remember, this is Kye, and... well it's Kye.
Attempting to stop him but not wake the other boys, I said something quite brilliant!
"What are you doing?"
In which this blank stare replied!
"Kye, you are peeing on the floor, stop."
Blank stare
I was still in shock, I didn't know whether to laugh, get angry, or cry wondering what is wrong with my Kye?!
Seriously! Lord, what are you wanting to teach me about myself and YOU and Kye by giving him to me?
Lord, give me patience and the ability to bite my tongue!
Oh and he finishes, and it goes everywhere. By the time I had gotten over the shock and turned to go get some towels, he pulled up his pajamas and crawled back under the covers!
How does one really clean up pee, anyway?
Will the cat and dog now have to pee on it to mark it their own?
Someone told me that I would get over being extra cautious about the newness of the house and that it would be broken in soon. HOWEVER, I did not expect it to be broken in in this way!
I want to add pictures of the house, but I am trying to wait until it looks presentable, but we are so thrilled and thankful to God that we are finally in our wonderful house.
We moved in on Wednesday, right after closing. The kids are great and loving having all of their toys back. The dog is happy to have a yard and we are happy not having to lease him up 4 times a day to go do his business. I still can't believe it is ours, but that same friend told me I would know that as soon as that first mortgage payment is due! :)
Darrin is in Chicago for 5 days at a conference, so he didn't get to enjoy the house but a few nights. I will get some pictures up of the first day of schools and some other going ons while we were in the apartment! It is so great to have internet again!!!!
So really what do I need to do about the pee thing???? :)