My life with the 3stephensboys is exciting, trying, fulfilling, entertaining, amazing, tiring, inspiring... what God made me for & what I love. Therefore, you may not see many pictures of Darrin or me, but you will get an eye full of my 3stephensboys in all of their glory, amazement and cuteness! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pant Weather!

I have been so happy the past two days due to our weather here in College Station!
For many, I'm sure this isn't that exciting of news and for others you don't understand my elation!

the past two days, we have NOT broken 70 degrees!!!  YAY!!!

In the early mornings, we have even been in the upper 30s!!!!  YAY!!!

Dakota is still wearing shorts, of course, but my two others (gettin to be like Texas children!) have doned pants!  And yesterday as I was watching Kye and Kru walking into a store, I thought, I'm not used to seeing their little legs covered up, but I like it!  And I think it makes them look even taller and bigger!!!

My excitement will soon end, we are to be in the 80s almost the rest of the week, so it will be short lived, but worthy of posting, for sure!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

One Vote

Ok, so this has nothing to do with the boys, but then again, it is their future.
This was shown at church this Sunday and I thought it was great, so wanted to share it here too.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It Was Chilly This Morning!!!

This may not sound very exciting to you, but it thrills my soul!!!!
If I haven't said it before, this it the time of year that we get
really homesick!!!

Today, the van was left out overnight and it got chilly here!!!!
When we left this morning for school it was only 41 degrees.  
Now I understand that for some reading this, that will be closer
to your high and not your low!  But for here, that is cold!

Of course, the boys have shorts on and before lunch time it will be
almost 80, but for this morning, we had to turn the heat on in the van!
Unfortunately, the heater doesn't work very well while idling, just like 
the a.c., but by the time we hit HWY 40 cruising at 70 mph, we were 

Oh, it makes me miss home where their high will only be 50 today!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Stand Corrected!!!!

In the post below....

Dakota is NOT a tween any more!!!!

"Mom, I'm a pre-teen!!!  I can't wait till next year!"

So, I stand corrected!

My pre-teen!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dakota!!!!

12 years ago today on a snowy Saturday morning,
I gave birth to my first son!
Little did I know then how much my life would
be impacted by this little 7 pound little boy!

You were our only one for 6 whole years!

As time has gone by, you have grown physically,
emotionally and spiritually!!  and I have
loved seeing you develop into a young man!

It thrills my soul to hear you sing praises to God,
to see you reading the Word every morning, to 
watch you apply what you are learning from the 
Lord to your daily life.  I know that you know Jesus
and that is the most important thing you can know!

The compassion, concern, love, and tenderness
you have for others warms me and makes me proud!

You are a great big brother and a great kid, oops, 
I mean tween!! :) (oops, I mean, my PRE-TEEN!!!!)

In the upcoming year, I pray that the Lord would
continue to mature you in Him and that you will be a 
light used by Him and for Him!  I look forward to 
the fun and new challenges that will come our way!

I love you Dakota and am proud of who you are!
Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Official!!!!

My babies aren't babies no more!!!!

Kru is officially out of all diapers!!!
We have been potty trained for some time, but
have been wearing pull ups at night.
my littlest man is now wearing 
big boy underwear ALL THE TIME!!!

Today, Dakota received an invitation to a
co-ed Halloween party!
It's official... Dakota has entered the teen stage!
(Even though he is only turning 12 on Sunday!)
As his mother, I'm not exactly sure how I feel 
about him being invited to a co-ed party.

But it made me realize, once again...
how old I am
how old my little boys are getting
and how I'm not ready to....
not have a baby in the house
deal with the girl stuff
(thankfully, Dakota isn't interested...yet)

I just finished decorating Dakota's cake for his
birthday on Sunday!!  I can't believe he is going 
to be 12!!!!!!!  I'll update on that in a few days!

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Fabulous Falcon!!!

Today, Kye got in the car with a HUGE smile on his face and this purple ribbon stuck to his shirt!
"Mom, do you know what I got today?"
"What, Babe?"
"I was a Fabulous Falcon today!!!"
"Really, what is that?"

From there it got a little fuzzy, but this is what I understand that to mean.

Every so often, a child (I'm assuming from each classroom) gets selected to be a Fabulous Falcon (Forest Ridge Falcons).  They receive a star sticker, a ribbon and a toy.  Kye chose or received a mini-flashlight necklace.  He also had his picture taken and it will hang in the hallway somewhere near the cafeteria.

"And I had to stand up in front and tell everyone my name, favorite animal, food and color."
"My favorite animal is a cheetah."
"My favorite food is oranges, and my favorite color is orange."
"Then we got our award and toy and picture."

"Kye, why did you get this ribbon today?"
"Because I listen very well and I shared everyone my smile."

"I got to wear this all day, but I lost my first one out on the playground, so they got me another one!"

Have to tell y'all that we are very proud of Kye!  After being concerned for a while for this year to happen, we have been pleased by how well he is doing!  In his Monday folder, Mrs. B remarked how well Kye listens and how he is a good example to the others in class!  

I'm hoping that that continues.  We have parent-teacher conferences on Tuesday and I will be interested in seeing how he is doing.  Just today we were talking about the crab we have in the fishtank, and I heard Kye say, cc-rrr-aaa-bbb.  

Just wanted to brag a bit on our Kye-Kye!

Just wanted y'all to see this in case you haven't checked it out here.

This is a 4 foot cut out of Kaeru-boy that Darrin and Jorge will
be taking to Dallas for a comic book convention in November.
You should have seen they boys, they loved it!
They all wanted it in their rooms!
Darrin looked like a little boy too!
But, it quickly went back in the box it came from, before
any little greasy fingerprints could be found on K-boy!!

Now, you can find Kaeru-boy at Darrin's office until Nov.

How cool is that!!!