By the time we got home, Darrin was close to sleeping, but he woke up and had his burritos and of course had to give the boys their animal hugs.
I was in our bathroom getting ready for bed as it was close to 10:30 pm. After animal hugs, Kye and Kru began jumping on our bed, which they do often, and I was about to come out and put them to bed when I heard a THUD!
Darrin quickly said, "Kari, get your pants on." Which of course only means that we were headed to the ER. There was a TON of blood, but when I was able to wash the blood away, there was a deep gash which definitely would require stitches.
We loaded up and headed to The Med and ER
We sat in the waiting room with many others
Well it wasn't forever, but it was until 1:00 am!
And can I say the next 4 hours were LONG!!!!
Finally, they came and put some lidocaine (I have no idea how to spell that!) on a cotton ball to numb the are and they said it would take 20 minutes to work. Kru and I finally got a room and waited some more. He kept saying over and over I don't want stitches and that he didn't want to go to the doctor! But he was a trooper!
Kru was very brave and really good during the suturing. He has at least 3 stitches, but I really don't know for sure how many are there. Isn't that being an informative mother!?!
He had to lie very still with his whole face covered to keep it sanitary. I laid next to him and we sang through the whole thing. well.... I sang and he whimpered and tried to sing and then eventually cried. The numbing stuff was wearing off by the last two. We sang Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle, Twinkle, Jesus Made the Animals, Fishy Fishy. The thing that bothered him the most was having this extremely bright as the sun light shining on him and being covered. We both were sweating under the blue cloth thingy!
We finally left the ER at 2:30 and came home and went right to bed. The gash was a bit puffy last night, but this morning it has already started to heal. He keeps saying he feels better!

Ahh, poor Kru! Did he cry? He is a tough little boy! At least he was smiling in the end! :) How long did you sleep this morning?? I can't wait to see him tonight. Thats freaky for me to know that I was with yall a little before. Was there A LOT of blood? Was Kye sleeping in the waiting room? So many questions! Poor baby! Last night when he had to go and say goodbye to me for the 9th time he said Bye Sydni,Gig'em! Can't wait to see you tonight!
Sydni P.S Looking forward to seeing you this next week!:)
Oh poor baby, it sounds like he was a trooper. We had fun at Rosa's before!!
It amazes me how quickly kids bounce back and now he can show everyone his boo boo!!!
Love you.
even with the stitches in the middle of his forehead, your little Kru is so stinkin cute! i'm praying for your little man, for lots of sleep tonight, and for a great (pool-less) week. i'll drop by when i get back.
Hey, When are we going to go to the drive-in again?? Please not next week ( August 3rd - August 10th ) I will be in Florida with my grandparents and 1 of my cousins visiting family and I loved it last time! If you have to go next week thats fine but avoid it as much as possible. Can I still come over this week? I really want to and want to see Kru. Call me!
I was at the Carpios the other night and Easton and Alex were jumping on the bed. I went in there and said "ooh you don't want to do that, this is what happens if you do"!!!
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