Yes, I know it has been awhile!!! Where does the time go? I figured I better update as my Christmas cards will be going out soon and this has more pictures than I will be sending to you all!
October wrapped up with Dakota's 9th Birthday party. We had a few of his buddies over and went and played Laser Tag and had pizza and cake. I made his cake this year, per his request, as last year's wasn't so tasty. So Star Wars battlefield was the theme and he loved it! We celebrated Halloween 3 times this year! Yikes! Between Boo at the Zoo, our church Halloween party and then trick or treating on Halloween night, we still have candy!!
November went fairly quickly! Not too much other than the usual activities, but time seems to fly! We went over to Iowa for Thanksgiving this year and saw a ton of family. It was great! I love my big family! Kru did fairly well in the carseat. It was the longest he has gone in a seat, but PaPa was driving, so I took him out to feed him and amuse him!
I can't believe that it is December already and that Kru is almost 6 months old! Bizarre! We are having snow today again and it is bitter cold! Looking forward to the upcoming holiday events! Dakota will be in our church Christmas Pageant on the 18th, Darrin's and my 11th anniversary! And we're looking forward to a quick visit from Grandma and Pappy next week. We are staying in town for Christmas and looking forward to no driving with 3 children! We will have some friends visiting from out of state, Stacy and Chris Schottel with their boys, which will be nice!
During this Advent season, I just find new amazement at the wonder of it all, that Jesus came to bring us life! May you continue to remember the real reason that we celebrate Christmas this time of year! Be looking in your mailboxes for our card!
Email or call us, we would love to hear from you this season! Until the New Year!
God Bless!
Love to you all!