I took Kru to the doctor on Friday for his 2 week check and he was 21 1/4 in. long and weighed 8lbs. 5 oz. He has gained more than 1 & 1/2 oz a day which is very good! His little face is filling in some but the premie stuff still fits him best!
Dakota is now in Montrose, Colorado. Dad dropped him off on Friday in Price, Utah and "Aunt" Stacy picked him up. Currently he is camping up by Silverton, CO. He is having a good time in the "country." He is definitely getting a different taste of things that he isn't used too. It is good for him! He's not too sure about motorcycles right now, but we'll see if that changes by the time he leaves Montrose. He is trying to convince me that he needs to bring home a kitten from Aunt Stacy's and I have assured him he doesn't. Looks like he'll spend the week there and then on to Denver to stay a bit with Aunt Linda and Uncle Rex before he heads home! What the traveler he is! He had a good time with PaPa and Nanny! I think PaPa was a bit wore out, but they had some fun while he was there.
Darrin's parents, sister and nephew left yesterday after being here for a few days to meet Kru. They went to the Omaha zoo while they were here and had fun. Kye wanted to go with Pappy when they left, but we knew after a while in the car that would change. So we are alone again for a while until Linda brings Dakota home.
Looks like we will be moving into a different house mid-August! Just found out today! We are excited as it will be a rent to own situation and we hope within 6 months to a year that it will be ours. We will be moving around the 15th of August before school starts. The best thing about it is that it is in the school district that we need for Dakota! And it has 5 bedrooms! Everyone can have their own space! God is good and brought this to us without us really even looking! We have an awesome Father and very good friends looking out for us!!!!
Hope your weekend was a good one and will write again soon!

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