4 years ago, on the 23rd on June, I had my last baby! I knew that he would be my last and I soaked up everything about his pregnancy and his delivery and pretty much everything else, because he is my baby.
Kru turned 4 this past week and I can't believe it!
He is getting so big! No more babies in the Stephens' house! :o( It makes me sad, but I'm so blessed by all of my boys. It's amazing to me how much Kru has grown up even in the past few months! He is so smart and loves to do everything! Whether it's helping to feed the animals, laundry, sweeping, or having fun with his toys, he loves to be doing!
We celebrated with a few friends on Friday night! He wanted several friends to be there, but not everyone was able to come! But Sydni, Camille, Ashton, Hayden, Anson, Daniel and Roberto were able to come! As well as Miss Mary, Miss Amanda, Miss Brynn, Mr. Ken. Mrs. Cindy, Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Heather.
All day long, Kru was so hyper and excited about his party! Please remind me not to do a dinner bday party again! Too long to wait!! :o)
Kru had wanted Lightning McQueen for his cake, but he wanted the blue one! So I attempted my best and he was thrilled and that's all that matters!
He blew out the candles like a pro!
And enjoyed unwrapping the presents!
And then playing with his friends and new toys!
He was tuckered by the end of the night!
Happy Birthday Kru-man!