We went to church for KidShine and Bible study and afterward, Kathryn came up to tell me about Kye. My first reaction was, "Oh no, what did he do?" She assured me it wasn't anything like that and it was good.
She told me that during worship in KidShine that she looked over to my Kye and he was raising his hands and worshiping the Lord. His eyes were closed and he was singing to the Lord.
That blessed me!!!
Kye loves to sing, and I believe that music will affect him like it does me. But it made me so thankful that my little guy KNOWS how to worship, even if he fully doesn't understand why we raise our hands to our heavenly Father, he still does it!!!!
And speaking of child-like faith, Dakota in response to Abby's death said, "That's really sad, but at least she is in Heaven with Jesus."
Child-like faith!
Thank you Jesus!
Praise the Lord that we are raising a generation of boys who know how to worship.
I am thankful that they are surrounded by men who are not afraid to praise Jesus.
He is worthy!!
This is Sydni. I wish I was home Friday, I got bored and went to work with my mom. I so wish I would have been home. Send Dakota to the movies more often, or I will just bring Jalie! Thank you for calling and thinking about me. Call ANY time. I love hanging out with you!
Totally want to girlfriend although I might bring Jalie! A little weird being the only girl and all. Just call my mom and set it up! Thank you for thinking about me and asking if I wanted to come over. :) - Sydni
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