Lots of things went on in June, but we've been busy so I haven't posted about them all!
So I thought I would post a review of our busy month!
There has been sleeping over at friends, watching $ movies on Wednesday, staying in our pjs until we go swimming.
We swim almost everyday!

Yep, almost everyday! We love the water and really here in Texas, it is the only thing (in my mid-western opinion) that you can do during the day to stay cool and sane!!!! Usually we meet up with friends from church which is a great way of getting to know new people and catching up with people I don't really get to hang with through the school year! Kru loves to go off the diving board, did last summer too, and Kye has learned that he loves it too! It's always a great day at the pool and my little men are so so brown!!! (They get that from their dad and Uncle!)

The second week of June was VBS! It is a great time, but extremely tiring! We are at the church all week long from at least 7:30-1:00. But we wouldn't have it any other way! This year's theme was The Greatest Treasure Ever Known. Pirates were to be found about the church! I was one of the Bible Time teachers; my name was Anchor Annie! My class was held in the bilge! Daily I was transformed into a slightly gypsy like pirate with a strange piraty Irish accent! Really, it was pretty bad, but I played it up well regardless!!! I had the privilege of sharing The Gospel to children everyday!!! It was exciting to see these little people listening and being sensitive to the Spirit! Amazing time! There are pictures out there of me as Anchor Annie, but I don't have any on my laptop yet, but I will add them when I get them! I loved my costume!!! :)
The week following VBS, Kye started a summer enrichment program through the ISD. He was a bit overwhelmed the first day, but has been enjoying it off and on. He goes from 8-Noon everyday. He will finish that this Wednesday. Not sure if it has accomplished all I hoped it would, but it has given him something to do on any given day.
Probably the biggest news of the summer so far has been that....
It really happened so easily after VBS. He hasn't (knock on wood) had an accident at all, except during nap time! So very begrudgingly so, he wears a diaper for nap and bed time. He loves wearing his big boy underwear and tells me when he has to go! His only problem is saying he is done before he really is done and then we have to repeat within minutes. So I say, "Think about it, ask it if it's really done." If I do that at least twice we are good to go for a hour or so! Yeah Kru-man!!!!

Then, Papa came for a whole week to visit! We were very excited to have him here for so long! But, I know we wore Papa out!!!! He was a trooper and went to the pool with us and just assimilated into our family routine! We love it when he comes because we only get to see him once or twice a year! And we love it when he comes because he spoils all of us!!! Thanks Papa! We love you!

While Papa was here there was a festival down in Bryan. It was a scorcher of a day, but here in Texas you do regardless of the heat, just like when we lived in Oregon, you do regardless of the rain!! We headed to downtown Bryan and found lots to do!

Here we are fishing for catfish! The boys liked it and Kru and Dakota caught one! Of course they had to put them right back for the next group to come give it a try! We got free NAPA hats out of it with the Nascar logo too! Darrin liked that! And it was free, even better!

They had a great free petting zoo! The usual goats and sheep were to be found, but there was a calf, which I loved & wanted to bring home, bunnies, geese, ducks, a donkey, a pig, who looked like he was going to die!!!

They had many activities around to do. We did leathercraft, which Darrin got WAY in to!!! Played in sand that stuck to us because we were sticky hot, yuk! Looked at some cool insects, drank really expensive fresh squeezed lemonade, and got wore out!!! Phew, we were tired!!!
Our week with Papa wrapped up with Kru's 3rd Birthday party. Kru invited 3 of his favorite people and their families; Jack, Sydni and Jalie! We had cake and ice cream and a good time visiting with friends!

And then Whit came to visit for a few days before leaving for Youth Camp. We were so excited!!!

The boys would not leave her alone!!!! They love her so! It was so fun to have her back even for a short time! She is a part of our family and we have missed her!! We went swimming and went to a drive-in movie down in Hockley, which was so cool!!! Whitney has more pictures on her camera, so I will have to add them later!
So that was our June! July will bring more swimming, spending time with friends, staying up late and sleeping in, I hope! But I'll try to be more consistent with the posting! Have a good last day of June tomorrow!