It's hard for me to think about that Kru is the age Kye was when we arrived in College Station, going on 4 years now!
It is hard for me to think of my baby growing up!
he is starting pre-K in the morning,
he is 4 and that is how old Kye was when we moved to Texas,
and he is growing up!!!
Even the conversations I have with him in the car, knock me upside the head to where I can't deny that he is getting older!
Today we went to school to choose a cubby and a hook, to play with the room and see all of the kids. We only stayed for an hour, but Kru had the best time! He is going to LOVE school! We have been counting down all week!
Here are a few pictures of his time in his classroom. We are so excited that he is going to the same school that Kye went to for two years! We love Mrs. Davis, Mrs, Braden and Mrs. White! I will post more tomorrow of his first day!
Choosing his cubby!
Lacing! He has never done this, but liked it!
For whatever reason, this was what he enjoyed the most.
"See mom, I can cut without cutting myself!"
Playing in the kitchen!