We are so excited! This time next week, we will be on our way to Iowa! I can hardly wait! Not seeing my family for 2 years is 2 years too long!!! So we will be gone for a few days and I'm so hoping that it snows while we are there!!!
Last Thursday I had a scary episode that ended up with me in the ER. I am fine! But last Thursday, I thought I was either having a stroke or an aneurysm. But it was only a migraine!! I have NEVER had a migraine like that before! I had numbing of my right arm and the right side of my face. My speech was impaired and my head hurt BAD!!!!! Darrin rushed home and ran me up to the ER and after checking my heart and having a CATSCAN, they diagnosed it as a migraine. I have some intense medicine to take if the numbing happens again so I can sleep through it next time!
I'm very thankful that it wasn't anything more serious than that, but it sure did scare Darrin and me!!! God kept a special eye on Kru while I lay passed out in the garage until Darrin got home! I pray that I don't have those too often!!!
We are done with sports for a while! Yeah!!! Dakota wrapped up his soccer season making it to the championship game, but we lost. They received 2nd place medals and fought hard! We only lost 2 games the whole season and then won 1 and lost 1 in the playoffs. They did great!

At the end of the year party, coach Sarah had a game kids versus parents! It was a blast! I don't think the adults stopped smiling and laughing the entire time. I have to brag that the parents won!!! It was a fun fun time! Darrin even scored one! I played in flip-flops, but still kicked the ball well!! :)

Sarah wondered if Dakota would live up to his yellow cleats, when she first met him, and thankfully she said he did!!!

Kye went on another field trip. Last week we went to the Washington on the Brazos. Kye's classroom had the Native American tour as they are studying them right now. It was a nice tour and we learned a lot about the Indians who lived here in Texas.

Kye's Indian name is "Running Bobcat." His favorite thing he enjoyed at the museum was scraping the deer fur off of the skin using a rock tool, just like the Indians did. Afterwards, we went to the playground there and had tons of fun sliding on the old fashioned kind of twirly slide.

Kru is keeping busy as always! Talking more and more and attempting to get his way on EVERYTHING!!!! Oh the 2's! You have to love the 2's!!!

Geez that is really scary...I suppose that i am not upset that you haven't talked with me in forever then. Call me sometime because i miss you guys.... Are you coming up to lincoln this thanksgiving to get your stuff or will you not be able to make it?
Love you so much
I am so glad that you are ok. Thank You Jesus!!!
What is snow?
The cub scouts are going to the Indian museum on Saturday. Will is taking the boys, good to see it is fun.
All was well...they had so many casseroles and they actually needed more desserts. Praise God!!
No worries...
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