My life with the 3stephensboys is exciting, trying, fulfilling, entertaining, amazing, tiring, inspiring... what God made me for & what I love. Therefore, you may not see many pictures of Darrin or me, but you will get an eye full of my 3stephensboys in all of their glory, amazement and cuteness! Thanks for visiting! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Walls Are Up!!!!

YES! The walls are up, as of Friday. They aren't textured or anything like that yet, but I can't see through my house anymore and it actually feels like a real house where I could live and wish I was living in it right now. But as I'm always reminded that God is Sovereign and His timing is perfect, we will be in when we are supposed to be. The builder has told the appraisers October 1, but I pray that he is wrong and that if it does finish before the 1st, that we will be able to get in sooner!!!

I don't even know if that can legally happen now that he has given them that date, but I'm still praying. My friend, Toni, told me to always go 4-6 weeks longer than they tell you and it looks to be as if she was right on with that!!!

The good news about the apartment is that they brought over a brand new out of the box dishwasher and installed it on Monday! WooHoo!!! And they even put in a deadbolt for me too! The other great news from our hot part of the country is.... that Dakota loves school! I cried on Monday and Tuesday as so many prayers were answered. He told me on Tuesday afternoon, "Mom, I think I'm going to be ok here at Cypress." I'm so proud of him! He is attending a intermediate school with more children in attendance than any school I ever attended including college! Wow! Seriously!!! He is so brave and mature! He likes his many teachers and comes home daily with plenty of stories to tell! Praise God!

Kye begins 1/2 day Kindergarten Tuesday. We went yesterday and bought him new shoes! He is stoked! He can't wait. Both Kru and Kye have missed Dakota terribly this week and I'm not sure what Kru will do once he is alone! But we will have a good time. I begin teaching on Tuesday as well and am looking forward to that. I'm going to be teaching on Thursdays too as my class on Tues. filled! I'm praying that this is a door that the Lord has opened and can flourish by next year into more classes, but who knows, we will wait and see how this semester goes.

I just wanted to update you all as I am here at the library as my hour long session is almost expired! They should begin painting this week and I will try to have some pictures up next week, but who knows!

Talk to you soon!

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