Sorry I haven't written in such a long time, but we have been enjoying family company at our house and I haven't been able to write.
Mary and Rick came out for the 4th and Darrin's family came out after the 4th. Dakota was gone a total of 3 1/2 weeks and Aunt Linda and Aunt Mary brought him back home from Denver. And my Aunt Sue and Uncle Don also were here and were able to meet Kru! WOW!!! Needless to say things haven't been normal here for a while!
But the home front has quieted and we are adjusting to life with 3 boys, really, now that Dakota is home!
He had a great time with PaPa, fishing, riding the motorcycle, playing on PaPa's computer and going to a water park were hi-lights from that visit. Then Dad drove him down to Green River UT where Aunt Stacy met them and took Dakota to Montrose for a week. He got a taste of country living there and had a really great time. He went camping up by Silverton and did some more fishing. He learned how to ride a dirt bike, went swimming, met some pigs and sheep, went to the Dinosaur museum thing in Grand Junction and played a ton of GameCube! Then Stacy drove him to Rifle where Aunt Linda and Uncle Rex picked him up to go to Denver for a few days before they all came out here. He had fun playing with his cousins there in Denver, but was finally ready to come home!!! I should say! We thought he would never make it back!:)
He arrived home with another new addition to our family, a baby kitten which he got from Aunt Stacy. Yes, I knew about it, but it was Darrin who allowed it. And the only reason that I didn't veto the whole thing is because we are moving into the other house! So we now have Tag the dog, a tank full of fish, Speedy the hamster and Shadow the kitten!!!! Our house is really a zoo let alone with 3 boys living here too!:)
Kye has been in swimming lessons all month and is doing great! No fear of water makes mom a little afraid. I guess it's all of those aquababy classes that he took! I was teaching those before Kru and will begin again next week. They are fun and it will be easier without having to hold on to Kye.