Hello Friends and Family,
Thank you for taking time to visit our blog and read our Christmas card. I hope that many of you have received our photo in the mail. Here are a few of our family highlights for the year!
* won spring soccer tournament
* first year playing tackle football - got an interception! and name in the local newspaper!!
* taking advanced classes including Spanish
* is ready for keyboarding to be over!
* 7th grade at College Station Middle School
* turned 13 in October! finally a teenager!!!
Kye's Highlights:
* turned 7 in April
* 1st grade at Forest Ridge Elementary
* joined Cub Scouts and loves it!!!
* favorite class -
* favorite CAMPP -
* is enjoying reading, but not so enjoying homework
* started preschool!!
* turned 4 in June
School Favorites:
* paint on the easel
* read in the loft
* making new friends
Darrin & Kari's Highlights:
* traveling to California to visit Kory & Shelley for a week--alone with no children!!! Thank you Kory & Shelley!!! And Miss Amanda!!
* celebrating 15 years of marriage on Friday!
* shock that we are still at the same address for 4 years now!
* Darrin - success with iPhone games!
* Kari - went back to work after 7 years--teaching 8th grade
We hope that this Christmas season finds you all well! We miss so many of you and wish we could all spend time with one another! May we always remember what Christmas is really about and be thankful for that Wonderful Gift that was given to us so long ago.
Darrin, Kari, Dakota, Kye and Kru