This post has nothing to do with the boys, but I don't have my own blog, maybe I should, so this is going here!
I was sitting in the Houston airport a couple of Saturdays ago, the Saturday before "Super Tuesday". Arriving early, I sat at the gate watching MSNBC or CNN or one of the news channels. The hot topic of the day was Super Tuesday and of course, who would win in those important states. Because of the important day coming up, they were also airing special political stories as well.
One in particular stood out and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind or how I related it back to my Christianity. The story was about how important the collegiate vote will be in this election. So the reporter had visited university campuses across America to interview students from both political parties. From the get go, you knew what party those being questioned represented. Be it the shirt or the buttons on their shirts, it was clear who they were supporting.
These kids were not phlegmatic about their support either. The ones interviewed were usually the head of their parties on their school campuses. One young man would go to school all day and then take a 2 hour train ride to his party's headquarters, where he would man phones, do mailings, etc... because he was so passionate about his "side" and their success.
After seeing this brief report, the thought crossed my mind.... Wow! Just think what we could do if we would be that passionate for our Lord and be that concerned about winning sous for Him!
Last Sunday at church, Butch asked a question, "What would happen if we mentioned Jesus to others as much as we mention the weather?" I wonder? I know amazing things could happen.
Obviously, the election is on everyone's mind and thoughts, but what about Jesus? Do I think of Him or mention Him as often as the current political situation or primary election? Do I discuss Him or ask others about Him like I do about the weather?
My prayer is that I would be more passionate about Jesus and sharing Him more than ANYTHING else! That I would be more burdened about people choosing Jesus than a political party! That I would be more apt to ask about how people's relationships are with Jesus than how the weather is where they live!