While there in DC, they went to see a hockey game and a basketball game. Dakota had never been to either before and had a great time, coming home with autographed pucks, basketballs and pictures. He had a fantastic time and came back immediately asking when he could go back!
Next came Easter.
We went to Kroeger to an indoor egg hunt in the aisles, Kru was way excited when he spotted the eggs. Kye and Dakota had fun too and both came in 2nd place for their age group. This was a new concept to us, but it was fun and nice especially with it raining outside. But the Friday before Easter, we went to a park with some friends who invited us and had a fun outdoor egg hunt too. We still have eggs left over!!!
Then we finished up Soccer.
Dakota's team, Blue Thunder, got to the finals this season which was much better than fall, and didn't win, but we were the finalist. We had to beat out a lot of teams to even make it to the championship! Way to go!!!!
And then....Kye Turned 5!!!
We took cupcakes to school with an animal on top, of course! And then we had a party at a park with a splashpad. It was a good day, nice and warm, 4-5 school friends came and Uncle Dean, Aunt Shelly and Stephen came down too. We had fun and Kye LOVED his cake! The wind was blowing so hard that we pretended to blow out candles, but he didn't mind!
To wrap up the recap, here are some misc... pictures. The ones of Dakota were taken by a friend of ours who is building up his portfolio. Dakota enjoyed the attention, but not too much! I think they turned out cool!
Have a great summer and I will attempt to update in July sometime! If anyone needs more heat in their summer, you can come join us down here in the south!:) Don't forget to post a comment if you wish! Until next time -Kari