HAPPY 2007!!!! We had quite the party here! Margaritas and Dancing!

I can't believe how time flies! I didn't realize it had been Christmas since I update, but there hasn't been too many going ons for us and not much picture taking either. January was pretty boring and dull. We didn't do much of anything and the first part of February was pretty quiet as well, but things are beginning to pick up now.
Dakota began playing basketball for the first time and the first soccer games of the season are today.

Dakota scored his first basket on Thursday night, but of course I didn't have the camera! Never fails. He is enjoying basketball more than I thought he would and is excited for soccer too! Kye is playing soccer again as well and is started swimming lessons too. So our evenings are busy again with practices,lessons and games, but so far things are going smoothly. Kye loves swimming and is a bit dissapointed as the lessons are only 25 minutes here. In Lincoln, the lessons were 40 and every night he can't believe that it is time to go already! He spends most of his time under the water, worrying the teacher, but he is a natural underwater! Gets that from Darrin. He is doing very well and is swimming alone for short distances. He also swims like dolphons and whales. In spend most of the 25 minutes laughing! He is crazy in the water, well actually out of the water too!:) I'm hoping he will play better in soccer this season, but we will see today how that goes!
We were hit with the flu bug here about 2 or 3 weeks ago, We kept passing it around to one another! Kye complained a week ago that "I have a pumpkin in my ear!" And later that day, "My ear is wet." He had an ear infection and his eardrum burst, so he didn't go to swim lessons this past week, but is better now. I had the body aches and head stuff as well as Darrin and Kru. Dakota has only had a cough, knock on wood. We are glad to be feeling better and that we are able to get outside in the nice weather.
We went to the park yesterday and it was a chilly 50 degrees!:) I know for most of you reading this, that sounds like a heat wave, but down here it is still considered cold.:) It's all relative I've decided. We haven't even been here that long and I'm a wimp too! It got down in the low 20s the last couple of nights, which is record lows for here. I know some of you aren't even reaching that as a high! Crazy!!! So I do appreciate that here, that I can get my kids out of the house in the middle of winter to go to a park!
My girlfriend, Stacy, came for a week long visit the last week of January! We had a great time! It was so nice to have a friend to hang with for a while and have someone to laugh and talk to!

And Raymond and Lois, Darrin's parents, came for a couple days right after Stacy left. It was nice to have visitors!
Other than that, not much else goin on. All the boys continue to grow, and Kru says more and more everyday! We continue to miss our family and friends back home and are looking forward to visiting Lincoln over Spring Break in a few weeks. I hope this finds you well and warm whereever you may be. Write and let us know how you are and what you have been up too! Take care!
Everyone can play GameCube now!!!
Kye's Valentines party at school!
Kru decides he is going to have school like Dakota!