Went to the doctor again today to do another weight and color check. His color is good and no sign of jaundice and he is up to 7lbs 5 oz. So he is gaining weight and doing well. We won't have to go back until he is 2 weeks.
Can't believe it has almost been a week! I am so thankful that I'm not pregnant anymore especially on 98 degree days like we are having today. It rained this morning so our humidity is crazy! We have hardly been out of the house today!
Dakota and my dad leave tomorrow a.m. to head back to Idaho. Dakota will be there for a week and then head to Colorado and eventually home. He is excited to go and I know that he will have a good time having some alone papa time!
I forgot how much newborns sleep! I was just changing Kru's diaper when he wound up pooping right on my lap, before I could do anything about the poop he began to pee. It was quite the fountain that shot up and over him, twice! Needless to say I had to change him and me! Oh the joys! Nothing like having a mustard cottage cheese looking poop all over your lap! But these are the joys of parenting and I am so thankful for another wonderful little boy in our home!
Talk to you all soon!