We stayed with out friends the Herbels. Thank you so much! The boys played outside in the cold:) and downstairs on the playstation! It was fun watching LillyAnne and Kru getting to know each other! Really LillyAnne was more interested in Kye than Kru, but they were so cute together!

We also saw many other friends including our good friends the Fosters. Mic was so happy to see Kye that when they hugged, she didn't let go and actually hugged him with all "4s":) So cute!! We have really missed them.

Eamonn and Kru reintroduced themselves to each other. It is amazing to see how big everyone has gotten!

Kye was WAY excited to see Becca and Piper. Kye and Becca have a special relationship and he has talked about her often since leaving Lincoln and we were so happy that we could meet up at the mall to play and ride the carousel. Piper and Kru also have a special bond! It was great seeing them both.

Kye didn't want to say goodbye and Becca actually had to tell him that he had to let go of her hand!

Our trip was chilly but wonderful to see a lot of our friends and to visit our church! We didn't get to see everyone, but we were thankful to see as many as we did. It was too short of a visit! I didn't pack enough warm clothes for us and we kind of froze, but it was great to be back home. We procrastinated as long as we could, but it was finally time to go back to Texas. It was a LONG ride home and we all were getting a little nuts!
Are we there YET!!!!!???!!!!
The boys stayed occupied with DVDS and gameboys!
Kru also found the gameboy a good way to pass the time, but was really ready to get out of his seat!
Did you know in Texas that people and kids can ride in the back of trucks!?! Well we just went down our street to have some fun!
Kru was worried but safe inside with Dad.
Dakota's last basketball game!
Kru likes the headband too!!:)
Dakota is in DC visiting Kory and Shelley right now. We hope that you all had a nice spring break! Write and let us know what you did. Enjoy the changing of the season and I hope that you have an amazing Easter! Love to you all! Kari