I have been wanting to update for a LONG time, but just when I would get around to doing it, well you know how things go. Then at Kru's 9 month check, the doctor found a growth. Yes, it completely freaked me out, so we went in for an ultrasound on the 27th and they diagnosed it as a hydraseal/hernia. So I was going to update everyone and let you know that we were looking at surgery by the end of the month, but you know us Stephens! We can't do anything slow!!
Monday night I had noticed that this mass had moved down into Kru's scrotum. It bothered me and it started to look a bit discolored. To make a long story short, by the time we got in to see the doctor on Tuesday afternoon, she sent us directly to the ER. We were admitted around 5:00 Tuesday night and Kru had surgery around 6:45. He did great! He was out by 8:00 and met us up in the peds wing with drousy smiles.
They said that he was their best peds patient and woke up with smiles and no crying. The doctor said that he had a non-communicating hydraseal and a minor hernia. He has a 1-1 & 1/2 incision and seems to be doing fine. We spent the night and were home by 1:30 Wednesday afternoon.
As you can see by the pictures, a few hours later, he was crawling around and pulling up on things like nothing had even happened! Man, kids are resiliant!
So...that is the most recent excitement in our lives! Other news since last time! Darrin continues to look for a job after being laid off in October. He went back to TechEd Solutions, where he was before we took the job in TN, and enjoys working there, it's just that there are NO benefits and the pay is low! We are hoping that we get to stay in Lincoln, but our track record isn't very good when things like this have happened before!
Dakota and Kye have been keeping busy with school and Dakota is hoping that he eventually gets to play soccer, his games keep getting snowed and rained out. He hasn't had a game yet this season. We are hoping tomorrow night, but it is pouring right now and the forecast isn't promising!
I am busy at work with Easter fast approaching and then of course it will be on to VBS planning!!! Can't believe how fast the time goes!
Kye is already very excited about his birthday which is just around the corner! He wants to go to the zoo and have his friends come. He really hasn't had a real party, so we are hoping the weather will be good and we can do it here at the little children's zoo that he loves! Dakota has his school musical in a few weeks, so I will have many pictures to show you by May!
I hope that you all are doing well and that during this time of year, you are reminded of the wonderful Saviour who died, but ROSE!!!!