We enjoyed hearing from so many of you and loved all the pictures that you sent! I know that is my favorite thing about Christmas cards...or New Year's cards...or even Valentines Day cards.:) Every year I put all the pictures into an album and it is so cool to see how everyone changes from year to year!
So have you recovered from the holidays? I think we just now are finally getting back into the groove and Dakota has Monday and Tuesday off this week, so not really normal yet!
December was busy as it always is. Dakota did very well in his performance at our churches Christmas Pageant. He was 1 of 3 shepherds and I do have to say that they stole the show!! Their trio was excellent and talking in cowboy accents was so funny! I hope to have a video of it soon and maybe I'll be able to put up just a little so you could hear his accent. Someone told me he sounded like a Norweigian cowboy??? I have no idea where he came up with his accent, we were just happy that he attempted to play the role he was supposed too!!
Pappy and Grandma came to visit for about 20 hours the weekend before Christmas. It was a quick trip, but the kids were excited to see them and P & G enjoyed watching the boys open up their gifts. Christmas was huge this year and as always the boys got too much, but I supposed it's only once a year and they are little only for a while. Kye got everything that he asked Santa for and is still enjoying the animals and such that he received for Christmas. For Dakota, Star Wars was a huge thing with his gifts and of course video games. Kru was more interested in eating the paper than what was inside, so next year may be a little more exciting for him!!
We had a fun New Year's party this year and the kids had their own toast and hoorah around 9:30. I made Margaritas for the kids and they rang in the new year with a bang!
These past couple of weeks Kru has had an ear infection, his first! And I think that he is teething, still none showing, but he is sure biting everything that he can get his hands on. We went for his 6 month check and he was in the 43% in weight and the 82% for height! It looks like he too is going to take after Darrin. He is trying to sit on his own and everyday gets a bit better, but still not without pillows to cushion his fall. He loves sweet potatoes and biter biscuits. We just let him have one of those this past week! He started shaking he was so excited! He's growing up so fast and getting so big. I can't believe that he's almost 7 months already!!
Dakota wasn't too excited to go back to school but he is surviving! He continues to do very well. Dakota was named Champion of his football fantasy league! See pictures below! He wound up beating his uncle, aunt and dad! Way to go! I think the rest of the 12 person league were surprised that a 9 year old won! He was way stoked when in the mail he received a t-shirt with his logo and champion printed and then a few days later a trophy! I'm not sure if uncle, aunt and dad will let him play in their league next year or not!:) Soccer season begins shortly and flag football too, so I'm trying to enjoy the last few weeks before the madness and taxiing begins!!
Kye started a new pre-school this past week. He goes Tuesdays & Thursdays and it is sooooo much better than where we were before! This is out at the Pioneer Park Nature Center. He loves animals and being outside and this is a perfect fit!!! They take a hike everyday and learn about animals and nature everyday! No problems at all and he is loving it! Other than that and Bible Study and getting together with friends, Kye, Kru and I hang around the house!
Hope your new year is going well and that your household stays healthy! I'll update in February! Would love to hear from you! Email me - kariastephens@hotmail.com