Even though it is September, it is still warm here. Today is a nice Indian Summer day where there is no humidity and a nice breeze along with the warm sunshine! Yesterday though was 90 and hot! Can't wait for true fall!!!
Dakota started school 3 weeks ago and Kye did just last week. They both enjoy school and Dakota has been placed in the high math class. He is in a man's classroom this year and is liking having a guy teacher. Things are crazy busy with him, but he seems be handling it better than I am!! He has school, soccer, & flag football. With 2 games a week and 2 practices a week, we are busy!! But he enjoys both sports and just last week at the soccer game scored twice! Monday night was his first game for football and he made a touchdown too! He runs fast!!
Kye goes to preschool 3 times a week just in the mornings! He loves it and is so excited on those mornings to put on his backpack and go have fun with his new friends! He came home singing Jesus Loves is Bubblin' Over on Monday which made my heart feel glad! Kye is in swimming lessons and is doing very well. He continues to enjoy being under the water more than above, but I guess that's a good thing. I started teaching AquaBabies again, but haven't tried Kru yet as I think the water temp is too cool for him.
Kru had his 2 month check 2 weeks ago. I hate shots!!! You feel so bad for them, just out of the blue somethin' hurts them!! He weighed 13 lbs and was 24 in long. He is in the 83% in height and 70 something% in weight and head! He continues to smile a lot and has started laughing. It is amazing how alert he is becoming. What a cutie! I finally mailed the baby announcements that most of you should be getting soon! And his 2 month old pics I will put up with the other pictures today!
Darrin continues to be busy with work and occasional freelance jobs, and I have been very busy at church with the fall semester just getting underway last week. It is so much fun and very rewarding though I am tired! But God is going to be my strength! I love my job!
We had a great time at the fair again this year. We actually went after Dakota's first day of school! We rode the rides, saw a few animals, ate yummy food and had a great time. We went back on Wednesday to see the Newsboys for a free concert and it was excellant! I had pre-warned and pre-warned the boys that we wouldn't be riding the rides again, but we did play a few games and won some stuffed animals. What fun! What fun!
In case you have forgotten, we have moved and here is our address: 7021 S 32nd still Lincoln:) 68516 same phone!
Talk again soon!